Hi, my name is Philipp Schmid,

welcome to my digital CV.

I'm a half Austrian/half Peruvian, ambitious digital designer & frontend developer, building complex layouts and creating pleasing designs. Based in Vienna & Linz I am currently supporting people, brands, agencies and startups with my freelance services.

Half-time employed @ Walls.io a social media tool, I lead a frontend team in the field of design & visual communication.

Out of my strong love for 🍺 beer, I kicked off a side project with some coders, marketers & writers called Brewgraphy (work in progress).

Connected to the art scene in Linz, I am also diving into the digital aspects of modern art.

I am always looking for new opportunities in partnering up with agencies, enthusiastic startups and like-minded people. Let’s work on something great!

Below you can take a glimpse into my fields of work. If you want to know more, just contact me.

Concept & Art Direction

Leading frontend developers & companies to appealing digital products

UI & UXDesign

User-centered designs with simplicity & practicability in mind


Coding visual parts of applications & sites, CSS before JS


Observing how implementations take effect, before & after deploying

Video & Motiondesign

Turning my creations alive, particularly helpful with web apps + full video

Branding & Print

Shaping the visual spirit of people, companies and products

Where I have specialized:

  • Bridging gaps between design and development is what defines me. I always try to keep both aspects in mind in order to build realistic & overseeable software with pleasing designs & clear interfaces.
  • I am a highly adaptable person when it comes to workflows, which can also be challenging when it comes to finding routines.
  • Some say I can be stubborn, which might be fitting. Giving up is something what normally comes very late πŸ˜…. This isn’t always the best feature since other things move to the background while focusing on one really hard.
  • I can look at digital projects from multiple angles, especially from design, technical & marketing perspective without compromising too much on one side.


When it comes to design I like to work with vector-based software like Illustrator.

  • Illustrator One of my biggest loves
  • Photoshop Absolutely mandatory in the digital space
  • After Effects Perfect for breathing life into static designs & very helpful for showing different processes
  • Dotted paper and pen A must, as this is the stuff I grab, right after the spark was lit
  • Inspiration Nature is my biggest helper, but I also consume enough design porn on Dribble, Behance, Instagram etc.
  • At this point special thanks go to my Spanish friend and mentor, David Tocino


With development, keeping it light & mobile are the main requirements, I like being able to work from nearly everywhere, especially trains πŸš†.

  • Codepen is the "pen and paper" for coding
  • Vcode or Sublime my main tools for writing frontend code
  • LESS & SCSS for styling layouts fast and clean
  • Vue.js just starting to get into this
  • Jquery I know my way around it even though people are abandoning it
  • normally I like to work in a virtual machine using Vagrant and Virtual Box
  • Worpdress together with roots sage is great for fast theme development
  • PHP even though this part of my name, mostly inside of wordpress or laravel, but rather limited

By the way, this project was build with laravel, some vue.js & precious black tea β˜•. It also cuts the need for printing anything, so no more paper, rain forest hooray πŸ₯¦.

Digital Marketing

For me Digital Marketing is a variety of actions/strategic decisions for a specific goal (Better brand awareness for example) . The following examples picture what i do and where i am getting into right now.

  • Building & optimizing micro pages/landing pages is probably the spearhead in my digital marketing activities
  • Technical SEO Optimization, experience has taught me it's very often the basics done wrong, preventing sites or products from being found
  • Chrome Dev Tools best for technical analyzing sites & apps (performance, responsiveness, etc.)
  • Google Analyics I know my way around the most important numbers (bounce rate, page views, session duration, etc.)
  • A/B Testing, if the number of users is sufficient
  • Hotjar or Crazy Egg for analyzing user behaviour and use processes
  • Talking actually helps a lot, yes with the customers πŸ˜‰
  • Ryte & SEM rush Currently getting into this

My work experience

Leading design role for the Walls.io dev team + Frontend Developer (part time)
NOV 2016 - NOW
Marketing Developer at Walls.io
DEC 2015 - NOV 2016
SAE Bachelor program for web development & design, this course was focused on management, economics, organisation, etc.
NOV 2013 - JUL 2015
SAE Diploma program for web development & design, offering a variety of courses (Development, Design, Animation, 3D, etc.)
SEP 2011 - SEP 2013
Designing & building the beer project Brewgraphy
AUG 2018 - NOW
Art Direction & Web Development for the SEO company Fuseon (Freelancing)
JUN 2017 - AUG 2018
Technical SEO optimization + Web Development for the SEO company Fuseon (Freelancing)
DEC 2015 - JUN 2017
Freelance cooperation with Fonda, working with various brands and people
AUG 2013 - OKT 2015
Internship at Fonda, a design & concept focused agency
AUG 2012 - AUG 2013
Freelancing for people, brands, agencies and companies since 8 years πŸŽ‰
JUL 2016 - NOW
Fusionlab, later Farbstrakt, a collaboration of freelancers which we wanted to turn into a company (Fuckup)
SEP 2014 - JUL 2016
Me becoming a full blooded freelancer, diving into the startup scene in Vienna & checking out agencies
SEP 2011 - SEP 2014
Leading design role for the Walls.io dev team + Frontend Developer (part time)
NOV 2016 - NOW
Freelancing for people, brands, agencies and companies since 8 years πŸŽ‰
JUL 2016 - NOW
Designing & building the beer project Brewgraphy
AUG 2018 - NOW
Art Direction & Web Development for the SEO company Fuseon (Freelancing)
JUN 2017 - AUG 2018
Technical SEO optimization + Web Development for the SEO company Fuseon (Freelancing)
DEC 2015 - JUN 2017
Marketing Developer at Walls.io
DEC 2015 - NOV 2016
Fusionlab, later Farbstrakt, a collaboration of freelancers which we wanted to turn into a company (Fuckup)
SEP 2014 - JUL 2016
Freelance cooperation with Fonda, working with various brands and people
AUG 2013 - OKT 2015
Internship at Fonda, Design & Concept focused agency
AUG 2012 - AUG 2013
Becoming a full blooded freelancer diving into the startup scene in Vienna & checking out agencies
SEP 2011 - SEP 2014
Bachelor program for web development & design, this course was focused on management, economics, organisation, etc.
NOV 2013 - JUL 2015
Diploma program for web development & design, offering a variety of courses (Development, Design, Animation, 3D, etc.)
SEP 2011 - SEP 2013

What's not mentioned in the timeline are dozens of conferences I visited like The Smashing Conference, Beyond Tellerrand, WeAreDevelopers, etc. Mostly very inspiring stuff and great for exchanging with likeminded individuals.

Down below you will find companies & partners I have worked with in the last couple of years. Note that I had different roles for different projects.

The projects EY-Law, Generali, Initiative Gas, WU-Wien, Handelsverband, Wikifolio, and WKO-Wien were carried out while I was working together with Fonda.

Some people write about their hobbies in CVs, I will show you some stuff where i challenged myself lately and some other passions:

  • The highest peak I ever climbed was the "Coropuna", the highest volcano πŸŒ‹ in Peru with 6425 meters of altitude.
  • I biked 320 km on a single day (14h) from Passau to Vienna with my dad. We did it for the great organization Herzbewegt, check them out, I wouldn’t want to miss this
  • Last summer I spent a total of 6 days around the mountain Ausangate on an average height of 4300 meters
  • I ran a total of 1000 km over the year 2017. This had an immense impact on a lot of things in my life
  • Modern art, always mind-bending and great for inspiring my actual work
  • I am a big fan of craft beers, the tastes, the labels from numerous designers and the stories about the people & the breweries behind them πŸ’›

Congratulations, you made it to the bottom of my CV and at the same time to the peak of mountain Jampa (Peru πŸ‡΅πŸ‡ͺ).
The total height of this rock is 5500 meters.